The Airmax Ecosystem: 3 Steps to Pond & Lake Management

The Airmax Ecosystem is the industry-leading method to achieve a clean, clear, thriving aquatic ecosystem. Airmax, with over 20 years of industry and field experience, is the leading manufacturer of aeration and natural water treatments for ponds and lakes.
Airmax's success is based on a simple, 3-Step approach to Pond and Lake Management known as the Airmax Ecosystem. Whether you have a small pond or a 100-acre lake, the 3 Steps of the Airmax Ecosystem are the same: React, Prevent, Aerate.
React: Control Algae & Remove Excessive Growth
Reactive treatments, such algaecides and herbicides and mechanical tools, allow pond owners to gain a foothold on excessive growth by providing highly effective, short-term solutions to these common pond problems.
While reactive treatments will continue to be a necessary part of maintaining your pond or lake, combining reactive steps with the other steps for successful management will result in the less frequent use of chemicals, less physical labor, and more long-lasting results.
Prevent: Eliminate Muck & Improve Water Clarity
Preventive care using natural water treatments will reduce excessive nutrients, eliminate pond muck, and improve water clarity.
Airmax pioneered using all-natural muck reducers, water clarifiers, and phosphate binding treatments for preventive, proactive pond care. With over 20 years of extensive research, Airmax utilizes proprietary BioMax Technology to select and refine exclusive beneficial bacteria strains that are the most effective in reducing nutrients and pond muck.
Preventive, proactive pond care begins with Airmax natural water treatments:
- EcoBoost PRx is designed to bind phosphates quickly, safely, and effectively, making them unusable as a food source for plant growth. EcoBoost PRx is best used as a "reset" button, quickly binding phosphates throughout the water column and restoring overall water quality.
- PondClear is The Original Natural Clarifier leading the industry as the most effective and proven solution in water clarity. PondClear beneficial bacteria work continuously from the top down, digesting organic debris and odors common with poor water quality, leaving you with a clean, clear ecosystem. In addition to specialized natural bacteria, PondClear includes a maintenance dose of EcoBoost PRx to continuously bind phosphates that enter your pond from the outside environment.
- MuckAway is the Original Muck Reducer leading the industry as the most effective and proven solution for muck reduction. MuckAway is formulated with specialized beneficial bacteria that work from the bottom up, digesting and eliminating several inches of pond muck each month.
Airmax natural bacteria water treatments are comprised of all-natural ingredients and can be used in waterbodies used for swimming, fishing, and other recreational activities.
You can also further enhance the look of your pond by adding pond dye. Pond dye beautifies your pond while providing fish shade and protection from the sun and predators, such as herons and other wildlife.
Aerate: Circulate Water & Increase Oxygen Levels
Increasing circulation and oxygen levels in an aquatic environment has dramatic, positive effects, which is why Aeration is the final and most powerful step to the Airmax Ecosystem.
Airmax Aeration Systems are comprised of a powerful and efficient, continuous-duty SilentAir compressor, connected to the exclusive Airmax ProAir diffuser located at the bottom of your pond or lake. Airmax's ProAir diffuser circulates the water column with micro air bubbles, mixing the warm water at the surface with the cooler water at the bottom of the pond or lake.
Increased circulation eliminates water stratification, boosts oxygen saturation, improves water quality , and further enhances the overall natural ecosystem of your pond or lake. By keeping your pond's oxygen level high and circulating the water continuously, you'll dramatically reduce the chance of algae blooms, heavy weed growth, and fish kills caused by turnover.
The increased oxygen levels created by aeration will also accelerate the benefits of PondClear and MuckAway by providing an oxygen-rich environment for natural bacteria to thrive.
When properly sized, Airmax Aeration has been proven to increase water clarity and reduce bottom muck and odors.
The three simple steps of the Airmax Ecosystem will revitalize your waterbody like a Fountain of Youth, creating a clean, clear, thriving pond or lake you can enjoy for years to come.